From Overwhelm to Serenity

La Bulle de Repos means The Bubble of Rest.

A bubble is a place where you can get away from the world for a while and feel safe and in peace and quiet. A space of freedom and rest. In French “to bulle” even means to do nothing and rest.

Work with us to:

Prevent or recover from burnout/adrenal fatigue

Manage hyperstress, fatigue and overwhelm

Find more serenity in your everyday life

I created La Bulle de Repos to help you put more serenity in your everyday life, more harmony, comfort and balance…. to be truly yourselves.

Florence Parot

Guide to Serenity in Everyday Life

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, tired?

Discover our serenity secrets, simple advice that you can implement immediately for a lighter life.

Our free Guide will be available immediately in your email box.

Burnout Barometer

If fatigue, stress and overwhelm are reaching a peak, it may be time to assess whether you are at risk of burnout. This self-assessment questionnaire will help you know where you are at.

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Hi, I'm Florence, sophrologist, coach, teacher and author.

I discovered sophrology when I went into burnout aged 23.

Thanks to sophrology, I was able to manage my anxiety, pain, fatigue… to live with more serenity, rebuild from the ground, be strong enough to achieve my dreams.

Sophrology is an amazing mind-body technique that is both super simple and fantastically efficient. I often say it allows us to have a clear mind in a relaxed body. It is a mixture of dynamic movements, breathing techniques and mindful exercises.

I have been a sophrologist for more than 15 years, I created The Sophrology Academy, the first sophrology training centre in the UK in 2010 and I started La Bulle de Repos in 2017 in Creuse.

My mission is to help you find more balance in your life, the ability to find more calm in the bustle of everyday life, an inner strength to give life the best of yourself.

How can we help?

The Serenity Haven

Simple solutions for a more serene, balanced and meaningful life: the full membership.

Energy Bubble

A 6-month programme to recover from burnout with a combination of online modules and personalised one-to-one help.

Light Bubble

A 6-month programme to better manage stress, fatigue and overwhelm.

Online workshops

Practical workshops for a lighter, calmer way of life.

Online sophrology sessions

Monthly online group sessions to better manage or release stress, pressure and fatigue.

For more serenity in everyday life.

Stay in touch, be the first to know our news and receive a regular dose of inspiration.

© Copyright 2024 La Bulle de Repos - Mentions légales