
Finding your pace

January 22, 20252 min read

As I write this, we are nearly at the end of January already.  How did you start the year?  At a calm pace? Or did you start the year head on, at full speed?

If everything feels like too much already, if fatigue and overwhelm are already back or have not left you, it is essential to pause and reflect before rushing ahead.  January is the perfect time to do this.  What do you need to put in place this year to find the right balance for you, the right rhythm?

Define your priorities

Do you know what keeps you busy?  Have you audited your schedule?  Have you taken the time to establish your true priorities?  This is absolutely necessary to avoid overwhelm and exhaustion.  And I am not talking about your work goals.  I am talking about what you want to put first in your life as a whole this year.

Know what recharges you

Do you know what drains you?  What recharges you?

Put yourself first.  Write down in your diary time off first (holidays, days off, weekly time of rest and reset).  Make them proper appointments with yourself that will take priority over everything else. Then add in activities that recharge you so that you have the energy to do everything else.  Generally speaking, plan less, do less.

Take regular breaks

In winter, our pace should be different to move in synch with nature and our inner rhythms: sleep more, do less, listen in more.

Learn to listen to yourself

Make time everyday to connect inside, to how you are feeling to your intuition, your needs.  Cut the time you dedicate to outside news.  Rethink how you do social media, for instance. Do not listen to the news all the time, choose your source of information and use it only at a specific time.

If, in spite of all this, you have moments when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, what should you do?  My advice is to bring your attention to your body (your feet for instance), to breathe more slowly and deeply, to follow your breath.  Slow down or take a proper break.   You could also try a short practice from sophrology, yoga or any other method you prefer.  Here is my favourite dynamic relaxation from sophrology that you can use when you feel stress is high or as prevention:

Shoulder pumping

Standing, eyes closed.  Breathing in, bring your shoulders up, fists closed.  Holding your breath, do an “up and down” movement with your shoulders. Make it as brisk or as gentle as you need or can do.  When you need to, breathe out loudly and let go of shoulders, arms, hands. Repeat three times.  Listen to how you are feeling.

Need more ideas to feel better everyday?  Read my book The Sophrology Method

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